- Everything tastes good with peanut butter. Everything.
- On a tandem, it becomes obvious if one is not putting in as much effort as the other. You can feel the drop/surge in power on almost every stroke.
- “Gross, what’d you eat today?” accusation won’t work for the stroker (rider on the back seat of the tandem). We all mostly eat the same food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you’re in the back seat, you have to deal with what comes out from the person in front.
- Sore butts are a real thing and Chamois butter is our savior.
- Accuweather isn't as accurate as it sounds.
But on a more serious note,
- You don’t know what you’re body is capable of until you try it. We definitely did not train enough for hauling 70lbs of equipment on steep hills 6 days a week for 60 miles a day. But we’re surviving and thriving. So far at least.
- The top of the hill can look very menacing from the bottom. It was often better for me (as a stroker) to look down, take a deep breath and keep pedaling till we got to the top. The goal was to make it to the top, but the focus was on the individual pedal strokes to get there.
- Communication is key. Letting your partner know with an “up” or “down,” when shifting gears is as important as when you’re reaching down to grab your water bottle. Slight movements can throw the tandem off-balance if you’re not careful enough.
- Everyone’s stench is different as is everyone’s experiences of the day. It is fun to share the stories in the coziness of the tent. It provides perspective.
- For every uphill, there is a downhill.

Life's not downhill both ways.
Merry Anderson
Hello from Canton!!! Love the list! Keeping Grandma Lois informed in Canton and she always loves Mike’s phone calls! I admire all of you guys for doing this while you can… Young, fit and no career job yet to hold you back so live it up and cherish! You will be seeing some beautiful country while getting fit and I’m envious. Curious… How much food/ healthy snacks for the much needed fuel for your body do you carry on your bike for a days trip? I’m assuming you stop & shop daily so you’re not having any extra weight & volume to your baggage. Just curious what a typical day in the life of the Great 48’ers is like…
Hopefully you are meeting some gracious people that provide hospitality. Keep on biking and writing about your experiences! Thanks and happy biking!!